Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance

The consumer attorneys at Oksenendler Law, P.C. help people navigate the minefield of issues associated with auto insurance, including failure to pay claims, canceled policies, and uninsured motorist policy issues.

By focusing exclusively on insurance law, our lawyers have the experience and legal knowledge necessary to protect your rights in a dispute.

We invite you to contact our lawyers today to discuss your concerns and learn how we can help you. Send us an email now.

Auto Liability Insurance

All states require drivers to carry liability insurance or proof of financial responsibility up to certain minimum amounts to pay for personal injury and property damage in case they are liable in an automobile accident. Minimum requirements range from 15/30/5 in California, Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania and 10/20/10 in Louisiana and Oklahoma to 30/60/25 in North Carolina and Texas and 50/100/25 in Alaska and Maine. These limits are often inadequate to compensate for a serious accident, which can leave the insured exposed to personal liability. In cases where the insurance company rejects a reasonable settlement offer and later loses at trial, we fight to make sure the insurer pays the judgment, including any excess verdict which goes over the policy limits.

You may also have other types of coverage, including collision and comprehensive, to cover you for any loss or damage from theft, vandalism, accidents, hail, and other covered events. Issues in these cases can include disputes over coverage and whether the insured followed proper procedures for notification and proof of loss.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Despite the laws requiring minimum liability coverage, many vehicle owners choose to flout the law and drive without insurance. If you are hit by an uninsured motorist, or in a hit and run, your uninsured motorist (UM) coverage should kick in to cover your damages. If the other driver is only minimally insured, your underinsured motorist (UIM) coverage should pay the difference to cover your damages up to the policy limit. A common misperception people have when making a claim under their UM/UIM coverage is that since they are dealing with their own insurance company, the insurance company is on their side. Actually, as in other claims, the interests of the insurer are adverse to the interests of the insured, and the insurance company will try to avoid making any payment or will attempt to pay as little as possible, regardless of the true value of your claim.

Keep in mind that not all states require that you carry UM/UIM coverage, although most states require carriers to offer the coverage in amounts at least equal to the minimum liability amount in the state. Check to see if you have this coverage and consider adding it if not; the cost is usually a minimal addition to your overall policy.

Experienced, Effective Legal Representation In The Bay Area

When your insurance company pays a claim, whether to a third party or to you under your collision, comprehensive, or UM/UIM coverage, it can lead to an increase in your premium or even cancellation of your policy. Basically, the insurance industry only wants to insure people who will never make claims against them, and if you do make a claim, they want to make you pay for it. We don’t think that is how insurance is supposed to work, and we work to make sure that insurers obey the letter and the spirit of the law in processing your claims. For assistance with automobile insurance policy issues, contact Oksenendler Law, P.C., today. Call (415) 733-1050 or reach us online.